Rese Arch Lab

Authors | rese arch, Object
Project Name | rese arch lab
Objective | Custom robotic fabrication method and workshop tutoring.

Rese Arch Lab is a series of events (so called labs) oriented towards use of industrial robots for art and architecture related fabrication. The scenario of each of such events stays the same – a tutor is given a 2 week period to work on a robotic fabrication workflow, after which a workshop is talking place. The workshop gives the tutor a chance to present his/her work to the participants and create a series of demonstrators of the workflow.

Object was developing a system which merged 3d printing with industrial robotics. Instead of printing over a flat surface, the idea was to print over a fabric stretched on a frame (that way creating quasi-minimal surfaces). After printing and taking the fabric off the frame, it persisted in it’s minimal surface shape.

The role of the workshop participants was to come out with various ideas for the applications of the technology. We’ve discussed fashion design, architecture, formworks etc. With some fine-tuning of the setup, we were able to precisely follow the minimal surface of the fabric, making sure the filament sticks to it properly. The results of the experiment and all the know-how are currently prepared to be published online.

About rese arch | rese arch is an NGO established in 2009 to support architectural theory and education in the region of the Central Europe. Soon it became a recognized platform attracting topics and people from the digital architecture domain. In 2013 and 2014 rese arch temporarily fused with 3D Dreaming: architecture from the digital point of view.

rese arch organized panel discussions on theory of architecture and digital architecture 13x in Slovakia, 2x in Czech Republic, 1x in Italy, 2x in Austria, organized lectures 6x in Slovakia, 2x in Italy, 4x in Austria with 50 speakers from 8 countries. Published a dedicated issue of a major architectural magazine Projekt. Together with 3D Dreaming and individually organized dozens of workshops on computational design and robotic fabrication in Slovakia, Czechia, Poland, Austria, Germany, Serbia and The Netherlands with dozens of guest tutors. Many of the workshops were taught by rese arch’s own Ján Pernecký and Tomáš Tholt.

Rese arch is has collaborated with the Slovak University of Technology, Academy of Fine arts and Design, Academy of Performing Arts , Slovakia, Technical University Košice , Slovakia, Bialystok University of Technology, Poland, IaaC, Barcelona, IUAV, Venice, Universitz of Pisa, Italy, UMPRUM, Prague and numerous individual researchers in the field of computational architecture and new media art.